
Enrolling at Mountain View Adventist College

Come and see for yourself

Mountain View Adventist College offers an opportunity for you to book a personal tour and take the opportunity to experience the College for yourself. Online applications are now available and limited places are currently available in most year levels. Prompt application is recommended to ensure your child's place.

Want to start immediately?

An immediate start can be arranged if places are available. Enquire now to determine availability.

We provide a viable and reflective school-aged service that meets the needs of the individual, and the wider school community in an age of changes, uncertainty and growth.

Enrolment Procedure

  1. Complete an application form online, providing all relevant supporting documents (listed below).
  2. Lodge your application form with your non-refundable enrolment deposit.
  3. You will be contacted to schedule a meeting with the Principal or Head of School.
  4. If a position is available and your application is accepted, you will be issued with a Letter of Offer. You have a maximum of two weeks to return this to secure your child's placement.

Parents enrolling for Kindergarten, please note that children must have turned 5 years of age by 31 May to enrol into the Kindergarten program. 

Application costs

A non-refundable Application Fee of $150 per family is due when an application is lodged.

An Enrolment Fee of $300 per student is due on acceptance of a position at the College. The Enrolment Fee is deducted from the School Fees once the student has started at the College. Should the student not start at the College after the placement has been accepted and Enrolment Fee has been paid, then the Enrolment Fee becomes non-refundable. 


You will need to supply copies of the following documents to support your application:

  • Birth certificate
  • Previous school reports (if applicable)
  • Immunisation certificates
  • Legal documents relating to special family circumstances, eg. family court orders, AVOs
  • Passport and visa, if applicant or parents are not Australian citizens
  • Specialist reports relating to special needs, learning disabilities and/or behavioural difficulties

Parents wishing to enrol their children at Mountain View Adventist College must be prepared to support the policies, rules and discipline of the College.


Tuition Fees represent approximately one-third of the cost of educating each child. The remaining two-thirds is met by a combination of Commonwealth and State recurrent grants and allocations from the Seventh-day Adventist churches in the Greater Sydney area.

Fee Payment Methods

School fees are required to be paid either annually at the beginning of the school year or within the first three weeks of the school term. Other payment arrangements can be arranged if required by contacting the School Fee Administrator. All school fees are required to be finalised at the end of each school year.

Payment via BPAY

If paying fees via BPAY, please add your unique reference number to ensure that your fee payments go to the correct account.

Payment in the College Office

Payments can be made over the counter via eftpos, debit or credit card or cash.

Payment via CentrePay

Payments can be made by setting up direct payments from Centrelink where available. Please contact the School Fee Administrator for further details.

In the event where one full terms notice of withdrawing students from the College is not provided, one terms school fees will be added to the Fee account. All outstanding school fees must be paid in full prior to the student's last day at the College. 

Overseas Students

Overseas students are integrated early into our mainstream classes and enjoy the benefits of additional support if they require it.

For details regarding overseas students, please email Arlyn Manalac - Arlyn.Manalac@mvac.adventist.edu.au or call +61 2 9622 2424.